Archiv für den Monat Mai 2017

One thing is for sure – the change

More than once I have told about my favorite backyard at Adlerstraße 59, in Dortmund’s Unionviertel. Whenever I can I pop in to look what has been changed since my last visit. Something continually changes. 

Oldies but Goldies

Probably from Backyard Jam 2014 and in the universe of graffiti as old as the hills. Adlerstraße 59; SYRO HACF „ALLES WIRD GUT“


During my last visit in Dortmund last Monday, when I have had a look at the brandnew mural of THE LONDON POLICE at Königswall/Brinkhoffstrasse, I found several pieces of an artist, I never had come across before.

Upside down – headfirst

STRIPED GUYS are residents of Unionviertel. Mostly they kill time doing some exercises. Klimbing a traffic sign or a downpipe is as usual as sitting on top of a house number plaque. This guys position is unintentionally headfirst, as someone has turned his seat to a very uncomfortable position. But nevertheless, this guy is tough […]

One thing is for sure – the change

Not long ago, during my visit in Amsterdam, I had a first encounter with a mural, created by THE LONDON POLICE at Prinsengracht 70. As far as I know there was only one wall painted by TLP in Germany. It is situated in Berlin Tegel and has been painted in 2014 for Urban Nation. Now […]

5 days of Amsterdam – Part V

This was my last day in Amsterdam and the first nice day with the sun shining warm and bright. That seemed to be the purest mockery!

5 days of Amsterdam – Part IV

It was May 5 and I had to learn, that it was better to avoid the city center at that date. Amsterdam joins the rest of the Netherlands on 4 May when its citizens pause to pay their respects to the victims and fallen soldiers of World War II. Then, on 5 May it’s time […]

5 days of Amsterdam – Part III

I’ve always been fascinated by Amsterdam. Besides the typical touristic stereotypes like tulips, cheese and coffee-shops, for me it is more it’s history, that dates back to the 13th century. Catching fish, initially the most important source of income, soon gave way to trade.

5 days of Amsterdam – Part II

May I had imagined quite differently! Isn’t this month called the merry month of May? And why is it only so dark? And so damn cold? My plans for the second day were made anyway, but I must confess, motivation was a problem that morning. Even I had heard about the old NDSM shipyard, and […]

5 days of Amsterdam – Part I

Amsterdam and street art – what is the best method to approach that topic? Asking www who knows it all, there are a lot of images and recommandations about hot spots, galleries, museums, legal walls and murals of famous names of the international street art scene.