Archiv für den Monat Juni 2023

One Thing is for sure – The Change

I love it dearly, my police piggy between Essen West and Frohnhausen. Lately I have been worried about losing it. It was already quite faded and in danger of disappearing soon. It was painted by the USW crew in 2008 for their 10th anniversary and has been on the wall for 15 years. When I […]

Drama in the Tunnel

Access to the underground via staircase and escalator at the Theatre Bochum will still be blocked for about 14 days. At this point, Denis Klatt aka HIFI is currently busy creating a more pleasant environment for passers-by. In future, motifs from the drama-productions of the house from the last years will put theatre-goers arriving by […]

One Thing is for sure – The Change

What makes a wall an eye-catcher wall? It doesn’t even have to be very big, but as is always the case with real estate, only three things count: location, location, location. Owners of such walls go through hard times – at least if they are of the „my wall should be momochrome and clean“ faculty. […]

Sold Out Gallery shows METRAEDA „Experimente“

more pictures -> click

Blackbook – Endspiel

Es ist Zeit einen Schlußstrich zu ziehen und allen, die mich seit der Veröffentlichung des Posts über den Verlust meines Blackbooks unterstützt, getröstet und aufgebaut haben, zu danken. Mit Eurer Hilfe ist es gelungen, den abgerissenen Kontakt wieder herzustellen. Wenn auch mit ungutem Ergebnis. Ich hatte es mit einem äußerst wütenden und aufgebrachten Gegenüber zu […]

South side news – Westfalenstraße

Anyone cycling in Essen’s south side will not be familiar with Westfalenstraße. It is more idyllic cycling along the Ruhr on old railway tracks that have been converted into cycle paths. However, if you are interested in graffiti, you should consider swapping the cycle path for Westfalenstraße between Ruhrallee and Deimelsberg. There’s a lot to […]

Essen Steele Ost in June

Summer is still young, but without much fuss or practice, it does what summer always does lately. It arrives virtually overnight with tropical temperatures and harsh shadows. Nevertheless, I made my way to Steele Ost. FNACK & COCONUT ALME THE TOP NOTCH x BIRNE DEMON x COCONUT ALME more pictures -> click

Blackbook – In eigener Sache

Voller Frustration sprach ich kürzlich mit einem befreundeten Graffitiwriter über mein Blackbook. 18 Monate ist es jetzt unterwegs – in Dortmund, nicht in Sibirien; und alle Bemühungen es zurück zu bekommen sind bisher gescheitert. Sehe ich mir den Schriftverkehr diesbezüglich an, dann fühle ich mich hingehalten, vertröstet und verarscht, und habe leider den Eindruck, daß […]