Respiratory Protective Masks

When unable to sleep at night, you come up with dark thoughts. Last night, in a time of unwanted awakeness, I thought about my next blogpost and came across breathing protection. Respiratory protection, which is on the daily news agenda in times of Corona, has long been an issue in street art. Protection masks are part of the basic equipment of graffiti writers, who use masks to protect from organic gases, and a number of artists have chosen the respiratory mask as a trademark. But it all started with the the „plaque doctor“ and its mask with a nose, shaped like a beak, to protect from airbourne diseases.

MCLN – London

LE LOUP – Hamburg

Hafendampf 2015 – MOTER & ZS – DFE – RENEGADES

A1ONE (2014) & MISTER OREO (2019)

unknown Artist (2018) & LE LOUP (2017) & KEDO 134 (2019)

4 Kommentare

  1. […] got while waking. In the course of the morning he has sent a number of pieces due to my idea of respiratory protective masks and how artists deal with that topic. As he has sent a piece of PLOTBOT KEN, I have added some of […]


  2. Nice post. I had thought of doing something similar.some great pieces there.


    1. I’m looking forward to your additions. 💋💋💕

      Gefällt 1 Person

  3. […] there is a lack of new pieces to be shown here. Let’s see – we have had a post about resipratory protection masks and face coverings, toiletpaper was a topic related to Corona too. But what about Easter? […]


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